قالب Classifieds - قالب وردپرس آگهی

مرجع فروش قالب فارسی و راستچین وردپرس

اطلاعات محصول

نام محصولClassifieds
دسته بندی محصولقالب شرکتی وردپرس
کلمات کلیدی قالب Classifieds, پوسته Classifieds, خرید قالب وردپرس Classifieds

اطلاعات فروشندگان محصول

تعداد فروشندگان داخلی این محصول0
پایین ترین قیمت نامشخص
بالاترین قیمت نامشخص
تعداد فروشندگان خارجی این محصول1
پایین ترین قیمت39 دلار
بالاترین قیمت39 دلار

توضیحات - ترجمه اتوماتیک قالبClassifieds

آگهی وردپرس تم – آگهی

آگهی ها وردپرس تم کامل ترین تم وردپرس برای تبلیغات طبقه بندی شده است. ساخته شده به زیبا، سریع و قدرتمند است. ما اطمینان دادیم که هر کسی که یک بار از آن بازدید می کند هیچ دلیلی برای نگاه کردن به هر جای دیگری ندارد.


نصب رایگان محتوای آزمایشی رایگان

تیم اختصاصی ما آخرین نسخه از تبلیغات تم وردپرس تم و محتوای نسخه ی نمایشی برای شما در حداکثر ۴۸h و ۱۰۰٪ رایگان هزینه نصب کنید . همه چیزهایی که شما باید انجام دهید این است که با ما تماس بگیرید و بعد از خرید در فروم پشتیبانی ما و درخواست برای نصب نسخه ی نمایشی. همه چیز مراقبت ماست!

به روز رسانی تم

============================================= Version 2.8.1 02.03.2018 Fixed issue with profile page google maps style.css js/gmap.js functions.php Version 2.8.0 01.03.2018 Fixed caret issue when login/register modal is open on IOS devices Updated WooCommerce files Fixed ads per author count Fixed country restriction when adding add through profile page Hugely improved demo content importing style.css functions.php woocommerce/archive-product.php woocommerce/cart/cart.php gmap.js Version 2.7.0 09.01.2018 Resolved circle image thumbnails when uploading as editor Resolved submit button wrong color on focus Verified and featured icons fixed Move viewport to top of search results while going to next page Resolved single ad page small thumbnails on mobiles functions.php css/main-color.css.php style.css js/custom.js Version 2.6.0 10.11.2017 Resolve woocommerce out of date layout files Added option for commenting ads Resolved various small layout issues Resolved various small rtl issues Fixed issue with backend map display Fixed issue with my profile page Fixed author page pagination Fixed issue with similar ads display Fixed blog page display issue Fixed issue with site title display functions.php header.php author.php index.php single-ad.php plugins/smeta/classes.fields.php woocommerce/cart/cart.php woocommerce/content/produt.php page-tpl_my_profile.php style.css rtl.css Version 2.5.1 04.01.2017 Fixed submit ad bug includes/profile-pages/ad-form.php style.css Version 2.5 03.01.2017 Updated layout Updated WooCommerce files Updated plugins Fixed products organiaztion in shop page Fixed posting featured ads without approval Fixed map displaying when posting/updating ad from frontend Fixed login confirmation hash Fixed editing ad that don't belong to current user Fixed bug with some custom fields special characters Improved demo importing time functions.php page-tpl_my_profile.php woocommerce/content-product.php includes/profile-pages/ad-form.php Version 2.4 14.10.2016 Fixed default google map location Fixed newsletter error message when user is already in db Fixed ad submission scrolled to bottom issue Fixed sometimes wrong image issue with facebook sharing Fixed issue when it was possible to edit ad without moderation Added possibility to automatically approve ad submissions functions.php header.php includes/theme-options.php js/custom.js style.css plugins/smeta Version 2.3 09.09.2016 Fixed issue with backend google map API Fixed issue with appearing of expired ads Edited files: style.css functions.php includes/theme-options.php Version 2.2 27.06.2016 Updated to work with latest Google API Edited files: style.css functions.php includes/theme-options.php Version 2.1 27.05.2016 Fixed bug with image jpg image uploading Edited files: style.css functions.php Version 2.0 14.04.2016. Fixed bug with category selection when comming from All Categories on Search Fixed compatibility issues with WP 4.5 Added scroll to payments after ad submit Added restriction on mime types to images only for the users Updated languages Updated Smeta plugin Edited files: style.css js/custom.js footer.php functions.php page-tpl_my_profile.php lib/plugins/smeta.zip languages/* Version 1.9 28.03.2016. Added category count on shortcode and all categories page Added home page map geolocation Added autocomplete restriction by country Fixed bug with displaying phone from the ad Fixed bug with default radius search Fixed bug with navigation on iPad Updated languages files Edited files: style.css functions.php js/gmap.js js/custom.js page-tpl_search_page.php page-tpl_all_categories.php includes/theme-options.php includes/shortcodes/categories.php includes/widgets.php languages/* Version 1.8 18.03.2016. Added sidebar on ad single page Added google adsense widget Updated languages Edited files: single-ad.php sidebar-ad.php includes/theme-options.php inculdes/widgets.php style.css functions.php languages/* Version 1.7 15.03.2016. Fixed display of prices on map boxes Edited files: style.css js/custom.js functions.php Version 1.6 09.03.2016. Fixed mollie mode Fixed style of messages for report and question Fixed bug with double message on question and report Fixed bug with reseting views on ad edit Minor bug fixes Added removal of the submit ad button after the submission is successfull Improvements to caegory display when only 2 are available ( to be displayed one beside the other ) Improved import Removed theme's updated and introduced Envato Market as official update plugin Updated languages files Edited files: style.css css/admin.css functions.php includes.profile-pages/ad-form.php includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php includes/shortcodes/categories.php js/custom.js includes/theme-options.php includes/profile-pages.my-ads.php includes/radium-one-click-demo-install/* remove includes/update.php Version 1.5 25.02.2016. Changes & Updates: Fixed a bug with front end ads submit Edited files: style.css functions.php footer.php Version 1.4. 03.02.2016. Allowed same titles Added cluster window Fixed bug with view counter Fixed bug with editing deal when subpage slug is changed Fixed bug with password change on profile Fixed bug with mega menu and map zIndex Fixed bug with category count in the widget Fixed bug with sending question and reporting ad Removed extra comment on advanced fields 'Separate value with |...' Fixed bug with gaps on ad category edit when there are subgroups Fixed issue with left map search and non sticky navigation Fixed bug with extra video placeholders Fixed ordering of the ads Minor bug fixes Updated WooCommerce files Edited files: style.css functions.php single-ad.php js/custom.js js/shortcodes.js js/custom-fields.js js/infobox.js includes/profile-pages/my-ads.php page-tpl_my_profile.php includes/custom-ad-fields.php includes/widgets.php page-tpl_search_page.php css/main-colors.css.php woocommerce/content-product.php Version 1.3. 11.12.2015. Fixed bug with scroll bar adn modals change. Fixed bug with number of videos. Fixed bug with color of the link on register modal. Fixed bug with hiding nav on safari Updated languages files Edited files: style.css js/custom.js js/image-uploader.js css/maincolors.css.php languages/* Version 1.2. 18.11.2015. Added advanced filter by custom fields Added steps for the renewal/submit ad form Removed featured image as being mandatory for the ad Added option to set image placeholder if no featured image is assigned to the ad Added link to login form on register modal Updated languages files Changed demo data Edite files: style.css js/custom.js functions.php includes/custom-ad-fields.php includes/search-box.php includes/theme-options.php includes/widgets.php includes/profile-pages/ad-form.php includes/profile-pages/next-prev.php inculdes/profile-pages/my-ads.php includes/author-info.php includes/ad-box.php includes/ad-box-alt.php includes/radium-one-click-demo-install/demo-files/* single-ad.php page-tpl_search_page.php footer.php languages/* page-tpl_my_profile.php classifieds-cpt ( reinstall the plugin ) Version 1.1. 17.11.2015. Fixed issue with AdBlocker Fixed issue with menu not showing on quick scroll Edited files: functions.php js/custom.js style.css 

Images used in theme preview are not included in main downloadable item.

دانلود رایگان قالب Classifieds

برای قالب وردپرس Classifieds نسخه ی رایگان یافت نشد.

فروشندگان داخلی قالب Classifieds

برای قالب وردپرس Classifieds نسخه ی فارسی شده توسط فروشندگان داخلی یافت نشد. در صورت تمایل می توانید برای استعلام هزینه خرید و فارسی سازی (راستچین + ترجمه) قالب Classifieds با کمترین هزینه ممکن، از طریق فرم زیر اقدام نمایید.

فروشندگان خارجی قالب Classifieds

نام فروشندهنسخهزبانقیمتخریدپیش نمایش
تم فارست


نامشخصانگلیسی39 دلارخرید از تم فارست پیش نمایش انگلیسی

قالب های مشابه با Classifieds